Dental Services

We offer our patients the most advanced services at Dental Innovations, ranging from routine cleanings to full restorations. Since we want our patients to understand their treatment fully, we provide in-depth, multimedia patient education regarding our procedures. We use high-tech equipment like an intraoral camera to get an unobstructed view of the health of your teeth. You'll be able to watch along on the screen while we use this pen-sized camera to take a full-color, brightly lit video of your teeth.

Our services include:

Tooth Colored Fillings
Unlike unsightly amalgam fillings, these fillings use a white resin material that matches your tooth. Because the tooth supports the filling, this procedure provides best results when the cavity size is small.

Inlays and Onlays
Inlays and onlays are restorations in which porcelain, gold or composite resin sections are bonded to the damaged area of a tooth. These are fabricated by a dental technician and require two appointments. Inlays lie inside the cusp tips of the tooth, while onlays cover one or more cusps of the tooth.

Bonding fixes chipped or cracked teeth. A plastic resin material is sculpted to the front surface of the tooth, then polished to match the shape and color of the adjacent tooth. This procedure can be completed in one appointment.

Dental implants are thin titanium posts which are surgically placed in the area of a missing tooth. After a period of healing, a crown is made and attached to the implant.

Laser Dentistry
Based on your diagnosis, we may recommend laser dentistry, a high-tech approach that makes treatment more efficient and comfortable for many patients. Lasers are a safe and precise option for both for restorative and for cosmetic dental procedures such as tooth whitening. Benefits of laser dentistry include faster healing, reduced risk of infection and less pain both during and after the procedure. Because most laser dentistry patients don't require anesthetic, we'll be able to complete your procedure in less time. If you are interested in whether laser dentistry is right for you, just ask us. We will also be happy to answer any questions about how laser dentistry works with your insurance.

Laser Bacteria Reduction 

During the normal cleaning process, most patients will have some areas that may bleed. Present bacteria in our mouths will flow into the blood stream and sometimes settle in weakened areas of our body such as damaged heart valves or artificial knee or hip, etc. Latest research shows oral pathogens have now been linked to a number of other diseases such as cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, low birth weight babies, diabetes, etc. Needless to say anything that we can do to reduce or eliminate these bacteremias is positive for our patients.

Locating hidden decay before it destroys tooth structure internally is a large problem in modern dentistry. Radiographs and clinical probing with an instrument are simply unreliable in detecting sub surface decay. Among the newest technologies is a small laser called the Diagnodent. This instrument examines your teeth for hidden decay with a laser light that is harmless and painless.

DEXIS Digital Radiography 
Digital Radiography is an environmentally friendly technology that reduces your exposure to radiation.

Essex Aligner
The Essex system allows for minor tooth movement without the use of wire or fixed brackets. It's a great method for closing small spaces between teeth, moving one tooth back into line or straightening a slightly crooked smile. Essex aligners are custom made and are extremely comfortable to wear.

We offer two types of whitening procedures. BOOST Professional Whitening System is a simple and remarkably effective procedure that can be completed in approximately two hours during an office visit. For patients who prefer to complete the whitening process at home, we offer whitening trays. Patients spend up to 30 minutes each day with whitening trays in their mouth. Treatment is typically complete within 7 to 14 days. Both procedures produce great results.

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is the most common cause of adult tooth loss. Healthy teeth are important, but you also need healthy gums to support them. You can help prevent gum disease by brushing and flossing daily, as well as by visiting your dentist regularly. But if you already have signs of periodontal disease, we can treat you with ARESTIN, an antibiotic powder that is applied to your gums during periodontal procedures. Specially formulated to release over time, ARESTIN continues to fight gum infections for up to 21 days after the procedure. Combining ARESTIN with periodontal treatments at Dental Innovation will help us do everything we can to save your smile.

ViziLite Plus 

At Dental Innovations, we provide patients with a thorough exam every time they visit. An important part of this exam is a screening for oral cancer, a common but curable form of cancer when it is diagnosed early. The ViziLite Plus exam allows us to identify potentially abnormal areas inside your mouth more easily than during an unassisted exam. All you need to do is rinse your mouth with a cleansing solution. After we dim the lights, we use a specially designed light to carefully examine your mouth. Normal tissue will appear dark, while any abnormalities will appear white. If we find any areas of concern, we can analyze them to determine whether they may require additional treatment.

Protection Mouth Appliance

To protect your teeth from unusual athletic trauma or excessive snoring, Dental Innovations can custom fabricate a special mouth guard for each problem. Dr. Murray will determine which guard is best suited for you, utilizing leading dental laboratories.

A veneer is a thin layer of porcelain placed around a tooth to fix a gap, stain or fracture. The tooth needs only minimal preparation. This procedure requires two appointments.

A crown is a restoration that covers or caps a tooth that was severely damaged by decay or fracture to restore it to its normal shape and size. A crown can be created with gold, porcelain or tooth-colored composite material. This restoration requires two appointments.

Other Services We Provide Include: 
  • Porcelain bridges
  • Partial dentures
  • Treatment of periodontal disease

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