Friday, November 9, 2012

Dental X-Rays

Below is a recent article from Clinician's Report comparing radiation doses.

Are You Worried About Radiation?

-Dental exposure is only a small part (<0.3%) of a person's annual exposure from all sources.
-Recommended dose limits of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
        -50,000 microsieverts per year for clinical staff working with radiation
        -1,000 microsieverts per year for general public

Below is a graph comparing common radiation exposure to radiation from a dental x-ray.
CR Conclusions: Radiation from dental imaging is a minimal portion of a person's annual exposure and poses a negligible risk compared to the health benefit.  Modern x-ray heads with improved designs have eliminated the need for routine use of lead aprons. Digital sensors and high-speed film have further reduced exposure; clinicians are advised to implement digital radiography.  Staff should maintain or implement proper practices and precautions for minimizing exposure.  Ionizing radiation must always be used with care, but dental radiation should not be an area of Major concern for staff and patients.

Clinician's Report, October 2012, Volume 5  Issue 10

*At Dental Innovations we have the most updated equipment, take digital x-rays to reduce the amount of radiation, and always use lead aprons with a thyroid collar.*

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