Thursday, December 13, 2012

Onlays/Inlays vs. Crowns

Below is an article from Clinician's Report that compares onlay and inlays with full crowns.

Are Tooth Colored Onlays Viable Alternatives to Crowns?

This report lists the limitations of crowns, identifies the advantages and limitations of tooth-colored onlays, describes acceptable materials, and supports a proven successful clinical technique.

Limitations of Crowns when Compared to Onlays
    - Removal of viable, esthetically acceptable, and strong tooth structure.
    - Requirement for building-up teeth for crowns is traumatic.
    - Crowns can soon become unacceptable esthetically.

Advantages of Onlays or Partial Crowns vs. Full Crowns
    - Minimal tooth structure is removed.
    - The esthetic facial tooth structure is preserved.
    - When the soft-tissue recedes, only the natural tooth structure is shown.
    - Most onlay margins are supragingival, allowing easier impressions.
    - Research on onlays over many years supports clinical success.

Limitations of Onlays or Partial Crowns vs. Full Crowns
    - Many dentists are unfamiliar with the onlay technique.
    - Some dentists feel that making tooth preparations for onlays is more difficult than for crowns.*
    - Some dentists feel that cementation of onlays is more difficult than crowns.*

*Experienced clinicians deny this point.

Clinician's Report, January 2012, Volume 5, Issue 1

The majority of Dr. Murray's tooth restorations are done with inlays or onlays. 
Despite the research in the above article, dental benefits still do not pay as much for an inlay or onlay, as they would a crown.

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