Thursday, May 2, 2013

Industry News

Smile is Greatest Asset to Memorable First Impressions, Study Says

When it comes to making a positive first impression at work or in personal relationships, nothing comes close to the impact of an attractive smile, according to a new survey conducted by Kelton Global on behalf of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

Forty-eight percent of Americans believe that a smile is the most memorable feature after first meeting someone- more so than the first thing a person say (25 percent), the way they dress (9 percent) or the way they smell (8 percent).  Adults 50+ are even more likely than their 18-49 year old counterparts (52 percent vs. 45 percent) to remember a smile when first introduced to someone.  The survey also showed that some Americans view people with crooked or stained teeth as less attractive (37 percent) and less confident (25 percent) than those with perfect teeth.  More women than men (40 percent vs. 35 percent) say that an imperfect smile makes someone less appealing.

Dental Town; April, 2013

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